::           Opening The Town Hall Tower 17.11.2012          

A Little Tree Versus „Budobratex”


Source: A. Dobkiewicz

A famous little tree which during a week made it difficult to pick up  the spoil from deep pit.

Within the period of investment connected with the reconstruction of the Town Hall Tower apart from numerous problems of technical nature „Budobratex”was supposed to fight with a little tree which grew in courtyard of Mid-Market block in the vicinity of arcaded passage above theatrical passage, this was „the fight” which became to be referred to as tragicomic anecdote. After picking up the spoil from three sides of deep pit and cellars of entrance pavilion the builders had a great problem to access excavation side from the fourth side where there obstructed granite boulders as well as the above-mentioned decayed tree. As far as the boulders were removed the contractor was not authorized to deforest the sloping tree. Due to the fact that the excavator did not have such a reach to finish the pit from the place accessible it was decided to put down on its bottom a small-sized machine which was designed to load spoil on a rocker dump car which was supposed to be raised above the surface and the spoil – loaded on a dump truck. It took several days to remove the spoil as at the time of king „Ćwieczek”. The spoil was loaded on a small rocker dump car, a small rocker dump carried on a crane above a small dump truck and there it was „twilled”. And everything due to one little tree which would certainly disappear until the investment was completed. Finally, the municipality took a right decision and a permission to remove the tree was issued as a result of which the pace of earth works considerably accelerated.

Source: The archives of „Tygodnik Świdnicki”.

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